Driving under the influence is dangerous and illegal, however, people make mistakes. Unfortunately, our youth are far more likely to make such a mistake, and if you are someone who is currently being charged with an underage DUI, it is imperative that you continue reading and reach out to our experienced Arizona DUI attorney today. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What is Arizona’s Zero Tolerance Policy?
Many states have in place what is known as a Zero Tolerance Policy. Simply put, if you are under the age of 21, you can be arrested for a DUI even if you have a Blood Alcohol Content of .01%. Rather obviously, the state of Arizona is incredibly harsh on all those who have been charged with driving under their influence while under the age of 21, which is why you cannot afford to proceed without the legal assistance of an experienced Arizona DUI attorney.
What happens if I get a DUI while under the age of 21?
The consequences of an underage DUI in Arizona are very serious. For an underage DUI, you risk facing the following penalties:
- You may have to pay up to $500 in fines, as well as attend alcohol screening, treatment, and education.
- You may lose your license for anywhere up to two years.
- You will most likely have to do community service.
For a second or subsequent underage DUI offense, you may have to spend up to 30 days in jail, pay up to $500 in fines, attend a court-ordered substance abuse screening, and have to do community service. This is extremely damaging to a reputation and a potential career, which is why, under certain circumstances, we can help you receive a hardship license, which can allow you to travel to work and school.
How can I defend myself against a DUI charge?
Depending on your situation, our firm may use a variety of defenses. Some of those defenses are as follows:
- Field sobriety tests were improperly administered by the arresting officer.
- The officer did not have probable cause to arrest you.
- The police did not properly administer the breathalyzer test.
- The police officer violated your constitutional rights.
- You were illegally stopped.
- The officer stopped you at a time where you were not driving.
If you have any additional questions about underage DUIs in Arizona, please do not hesitate to give our knowledgeable Phoenix DUI attorney a call today. Our firm is here to help.
Contact our experienced Arizona firm
The legal team at Weintraub & Weintraub has years of experience representing clients who have been injured in accidents due to the negligence of others as well as those who are facing charges of driving under the influence. Those injured due to another party’s negligence should never have to suffer alone. If you need strong legal representation, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today.