If you have been involved in a car accident due to another party’s negligence, you will have to speak with the other driver’s insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies are known to look out for themselves and will work to deny you the settlement you deserve. As a result, it is important to know what to look out for when speaking with an insurance adjuster after an accident.
What to Know Before Speaking With Insurance Adjusters:
Insurance adjusters are known to use certain tricks and schemes in order to avoid giving you the settlement you deserve. Some of the most common things a company may do include:
- Lowball you: Insurance companies are working to avoid giving you the compensation you deserve. As a result, they will very often lowball your first offer. It is important that you do not accept any offers without speaking with a personal injury attorney.
- Downplay your injuries: Often, insurance adjusters will downplay your injuries, or claim you are not injured at all. To combat this, it is important to keep any and all evidence of your injuries, especially medical documents.
- Ignore you: If you do not accept their first settlement offer, the insurance company may simply ignore you. This is done in the hopes that the statute of limitations will pass and you will no longer be able to sue them. It is important to note that generally, the statute of limitations for a personal injury accident in Arizona is two years.
- Ask tricky questions: In some cases, insurance adjusters will ask trick questions in order to get you to say something that may be used against you. This is why it is incredibly important to work with an experienced personal injury attorney.
- Suggest a certain autobody shop: If an insurance company suggests a specific autobody shop, it is in your best interest to go somewhere else. Often, insurance companies have arrangements with these autobody shops, and they will give you the lowest estimate possible when it comes to repairing your car.
If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence, you may have a long and difficult road ahead of you. Our firm is here to advocate for you and walk you through the process each step of the way. Contact us to speak with a dedicated personal injury attorney.
Contact our experienced Arizona firm
The legal team at Weintraub & Weintraub has years of experience representing clients who have been injured in accidents due to the negligence of others as well as those who are facing charges of driving under the influence. Those injured due to another party’s negligence should never have to suffer alone. If you need strong legal representation, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today.