There are few things more damaging than obtaining a criminal record. If you are being charged with driving while under the influence of drugs in Arizona, you have a lot on the line, which is why you must read on and reach out to our experienced Arizona DUI attorney to learn more about drug DUIs and how we can help you fight them. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What happens if I am charged with a first-offense drug DUI in Arizona?
Regardless of whether this is your first offense, you will most likely face very serious charges for a drug DUI in Arizona. The potential consequences for a first-offense drug DUI in AZ are as follows:
- Up to 10 days in jail
- Up to 1 year of a suspended license
- A $500 Department of Public Safety Fee
- Mandatory Drug Screening and Counseling
- A $250 fine and surcharges
- A $500 Prison Construction Fee
Will I go to jail for a second drug DUI in Arizona?
If this is your second drug DUI, you will face even harsher consequences this time around, as the legal system in Arizona does not treat repeat offenders kindly. For a second drug DUI in Arizona, you will most likely face the following consequences:
- Up to 1 year of a revoked license
- Up to 90 days of incarceration
- A $500 fine, plus additional surcharges
- $1,250 Department of Public Safety Fee
- $1,250 Prison Construction Fee
- 30 hours of community service
Can an attorney fight drug DUI charges?
While things may seem grim after receiving a drug DUI, the truth is, there are various potential defenses that our firm can make to fight your charges to have them mitigated, or, in some cases, dropped altogether. Some of the arguments we may make against your drug DUI charge are as follows:
- Law enforcement improperly administered or failed to administer a field sobriety test before your arrest.
- Police did not have reasonable suspicion to search you, or the officer in question did not have probable cause for your arrest.
- Law enforcement, in some way, violated your constitutional rights.
- Law enforcement arrested you and charged you with a drug DUI while you were not driving or were not in control of the vehicle.
For any additional questions about drug DUIs in Arizona, please do not hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable firm today. We are here to help you through every step of the process ahead.
Contact our experienced Arizona firm
The legal team at Weintraub & Weintraub has years of experience representing clients who have been injured in accidents due to the negligence of others as well as those who are facing charges of driving under the influence. Those injured due to another party’s negligence should never have to suffer alone. If you need strong legal representation, please do not hesitate to contact our firm today.